September 9

KINGCUPS King of Cups

This king reminds me of “Jon Snow” He welcomes other points of view, when it comes to finding a solution to the problem at hand. If you need help in achieving your goals, this is the man to ask. His motives or pure and his advice, valuable, and should be considered in any course of action. If you have a man like the King of Cups as your boss, your are one lucky person. He understands some people have limitations in certain situations. He’s not good with expressing his emotions, so his way of showing that he cares, he helps you to achieve your goals or through his own personal experiences, when he gives advice. Just remember, IF you ask this kings advice and don’t take stock in it, you will most likely end up in the very place you were trying to avoid. For anyone who is lost or confused, this is a man who can and will help, all you have to do is “Ask” after all, He has learned to ask for a helping hand when he needs. This is what makes him wise, his past failures along with his successes. Which you can only gain thru experience, when he was a young knight, he was much different. Swift and quick to action are the knights, but as a King his ability to make quick and uneasy decisions are partly because, somewhere in his past he was “unable” to make the decisions needed, and most likely “failed” of course like the Tower when it knocks you on your ass,you change, you reevaluate, you grow, you manifest, and then you succeed. This man of authority has more compassion than the other kings. The most chaotic situations and his voice will always remain calm. He knows what panic can do. Listen as he will reassure you!!This king is the one you go to when you feel like no one can help. He genuinely knows he is here to help and support his people.

     Time/Season Autumn/fall Oct. 13 thru Nov. 21

His answer for your “yes or no” question

Have patience, the answer you seek, will come when the time is right and not a moment before.